
PSC Regular Meeting (December 2022)

The Virgin Islands Public Services Commission (PSC) held its Regular Meeting today, Tuesday, December 13, 2022. The Commission heard testimony on several matters from the Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority (WAPA) and the St. Thomas/St. John Ferry Franchises. The Waste Management Authority (WMA) was set to come before the Commission, but no representative was present. The meeting was called to order and immediately rose into Executive Session, where the Commission discussed personnel matters. No motions or official actions were taken in Executive Session.

WAPA’s CEO Andrew Smith and CFO Jacob Lewis came before the Commission to discuss the Levelized Energy Adjustment Charge (LEAC) for water and electricity. The Commission voted unanimously to extend the current Electric LEAC rate of 22.2246ȼ/kWh for no more than six months beginning on January 1, 2023. The current Water LEAC rate was also extended until March 1, 2023.

There are outstanding QF applications interested in doing business with WAPA in solar power, wind energy, and waste-to-energy. Three points were brought up as they pertained to this agenda item, and they were:

  • Should the applicants be able to self-certify, as they do in other regions?

  • What are the updates on the existing applications?

  • Should the Commission take action in the waste-to-energy as it involves two government entities? (WMA & WAPA)

WAPA representatives and the Commission also discussed base rates for which the Commission has ordered annual limited review. Proposed Customer Service Regulations for WAPA have been prepared and are available for public comment until Christmas.

The St. Thomas/St. John Ferry Franchises gave testimony regarding a possible new rate structure. In a PSC meeting held in November of 2021, the franchises expressed that the Charlotte Amalie run was being infringed upon and was seeking assistance from the Commission. The Commissioners asked whether the franchise wished to continue the Charlotte Amalie run. If so, will they continue at the regulated rates? If they are going to do the Charlotte Amalie run at the regulated rate, should the Commission address the unregulated company? A motion was made to engage Avery Williams as the Technical Consultant for the ferry boats to oversee the St. Thomas/St. John franchisees new rate structures and give recommendations.

The annual Election of Commission Officers was also held. Chairman David Hughes maintains his seat as Chairman of the Commission, and Commissioner Pedro Williams was voted to be the new Vice Chairman replacing Commissioner Raymond Williams.

All four Commission members (David Hughes, Raymond Williams, Andrew Rutnik, and Pedro Williams) were in attendance. Senator Janelle Sarauw and Senator Genevieve Whitaker were absent from today’s meeting.

Learn more about the VIPSC matters and efforts by visiting the Facebook page and this website.

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