WAPA Post Hurricane Activities Status Report

December 2017

Post hurricane activities regarding LEAC, sales and revenue, cash collections, government payments, Fuel Hedge Program, Self Insurance Fund, fuel supply, solar facilities, fuel Payments, generation, changes to Generation Plan, FEMA Grant, among others.
Download WAPA Post Hurricane Activities Status Report

Dockets 620 and 632 Notice of Scope and Amended Schedule

June 2017

Examining all matters pertaining to Docket No. 620 and 632.
Download Dockets 620 and 632 Notice of Scope and Amended Schedule

Dockets 620 and 632 Notice of Scope and Schedule

January 2017

Examining all matters pertaining to Docket No. 620 and 632.
Download Dockets 620 and 632 Notice of Scope and Schedule


WAPA Reponse to VIPSC Regarding Vantage Energy Consulting

August 2015

Responses to all questions raised by Vantage Energy Consulting, LLC.
Download WAPA Reponse to VIPSC Regarding Vantage Energy Consulting

WAPA Management Audit

February 2015

Implementation Plan in response to the recommendations contained in the Management Audit Report prepared by Vantage Energy Consulting LLC, issued on February 2015.
Download WAPA Management Audit


WAPA Focused Management Audit RFP

December 2013

Invitation to submit a proposal to furnish independent management audit services to the Virgin Islands Water and Power “Authority” (WAPA).
Download WAPA Focused Management Audit RFP