Our Mission

Serve the best interest of the public, provide open and effective regulation, ensure fair and prudent rates with the highest quality of service in a safe, secure, consistent, and efficient manner.

Our Objectives

Protect the interests of both utilities and ratepayers. The PSC regulates electric, potable water, telephone, cable TV and ferryboat utilities, playing a key role in guaranteeing that the consumer pays fair rates for these services.


about us

What Does the PSC Do?

The Commission sets rates that provide regulated utilities an opportunity to:

  • Earn a return on their investment in order for them to provide adequate and reliable service and,

  • Rates are reasonable for the customer.

The PSC also seeks to help consumers better understand its functions and how they can participate in the rate-making process.

See Our Featured Videos

We are working together to make a better future

contact the PSC

Office, mail address, telephone number.

st. thomas

1003 Estate Ross Ste 4
St. Thomas, USVI 00802

(340) 776-1291
(340) 774-4971 (Fax)

st. croix

#2 Estate Carlton
Suite 1 & 2
Frederiksted, St. Croix, VI, 00840

(340) 778-6010
(340) 778-0302 (Fax)